Do you have pictures you would like to share? Previous reunions, classmates, or photos of Wilmington then and now? We have added several photo albums so you can add those pictures. Click on "UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS" below. A new page will open. To choose the album you want to place your photos into click on the down arrow in "CHOOSE PREFERRED ALBUM." Pick an album from the list. If you do not see an album that fits a catagory for your picture/s just send us an E-mail from the "CONTACT US" page, tell us what name you want for the album and one will be created for you. We will contact you by E-mail once the album has been created so you can upload your picture/s. JPEG photos only will be accepted. We have seven active albums: "50th Class Reunion, "40th Class Reunion, Banning'64 Alumni Fun Stuff, Fries Ave School, Dominguez Elementary, Classic Cars, and Wilmington, CA Then & Now.